Organic Cumin Seed




About this item

  • Cumin is a spice made from the seeds of the Cuminum cyminum plant. Many dishes use cumin, especially foods from its native regions of the Mediterranean and Southwest Asia.
  • Cumin seeds are now integral in folk medicine across Northern Europe to the Mediterranean regions, Russia, Indonesia, Iran, and North America.
  • Tempering or seasoning a dish takes it to another level. Cumin is a common and well-known ingredient used in tempering.
  • Cumin lends its distinctive flavor to chili, tamales and various Indian curries. Its flavor has been described as earthy, nutty, spicy and warm. Cumin seeds ground is naturally rich in iron.
  • Many people around the world don’t get enough iron. Cumin is very dense in iron, providing almost 20% of your daily iron in one teaspoon.


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