Afghan palaw is a staple in our homes. You’ve had our famous qabli palaw with carrots and raisins. But that is not eaten every day by Afghans. Sometimes we just have a simple palaw, or challow.
What is Afghan Palaw?
If you’ve had brown-colored rice in an Afghan restaurant, that is a classic Afghan palaw. Today I’m going to tell you a little more about it and show you how to make it.
Many Americans or other westerners see brown rice and instantly think of some kind of whole-grain “healthy” rice sold to them in their grocery store. Afghani brown rice is not that type of brown rice.
Afghan palaw gets its brown color from a semi-burnt or caramelized sugar solution you will be pouring over your rice. That’s it.
The recipe is not complicated because of its number of ingredients. The hardest part is practicing your technique.
Make Sure to Rinse and Soak your Palaw.
As you have seen in our other recipes for making rice, you most always soak and rinse your rice. There are two essential reasons for that.
First, your rice must be clean. Rinsing the rice is a cleanliness issue. But, even more importantly, rinsing the rice removes much of the rice’s starch.
It would be best if you rinsed your rice until the white cloud is gone as it sits in your bowl. That’s when you know you are done.
Easily Printable Recipe for Afghan Palaw
As always, we make this recipe easy to print and replicate. I suggest you watch the video if you have any questions. Also, leave a comment. I always respond.
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I made this in the rice cooker! Just did the sugar carmelization and then put it in with the rice and spices. It worked!